Transport By road and air

An oversight? An emergency? A transport contract too close to another?

Sometimes there is not enough time and teams to carry out disinfection which is highly essential for the health of equines.
transport chevaux camion

Don’t ask yourself any more questions, it’s already disinfected for 1 year!

During transport, the proximity of horses and confinement increase the risks of transmission of contagious diseases.

Equine flu or strangles, for example, can be transmitted during transport.

Long journeys also encourage the development of spores and fungi on surfaces due to ambient humidity, causing painful respiratory illnesses for the horse.

PhotoACTIVE Equine is the only disinfectant in the world capable of preventing microbial growth on surfaces and cleaning the air over a long period and reducing the risk of illness and contamination linked to transport.

Our team takes care of everything

and guarantees optimal installation of the PhotoACTIVE Equine coating.

Spend up to 90% less

on biocidal products and personnel

Less release into the environment

1 liter of PhotoACTIVE replaces hundreds of liters of disinfectant

Free up your time

by devoting it to tasks other than daily disinfection

Avoid exposing your equines and yourself

to volatile particles from biocides to prevent allergies and respiratory issues

Reputation and Trust

Facilities that maintain high standards of hygiene are more respected and sought after

Sanitation of indoor air quality

PhotoACTIVE Equine purifies the indoor air of confined spaces (boxes, trucks) when it is applied to walls and floors. Thanks to photocatalysis, it destroys ammonia, carbon monoxide, VOCs etc…, destroying odors and air pollutants:

  • Respiratory irritation: Ammonia can irritate the respiratory tract of horses, leading to inflammation and increasing the risk of chronic respiratory diseases.
  • Decreased performance: Respiratory problems can affect the horse’s exercise capacity and overall performance.
  • Effects on Young Horses: Foals and young horses are particularly sensitive to ammonia due to their developing respiratory systems.
  • Reduced Stress and Comfort: High ammonia levels can cause stress and general discomfort, affecting the horse’s overall well-being.

These effects can ultimately affect the quality of life and potentially reduce the longevity of horses.

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